5 Public Safety Agencies in Colorado Receive Drone technology Thanks to Center of Excellence For Advanced Technology Aerial Firefighting to Help Save Lives
CT., USA, November 30, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — The Center Of Excellence for Advanced Technology Aerial Firefighting (CoE) contacted The National Public Safety Drone Donation ProgramNPS-DDP.org as they had older drones they used within their testing that they no longer had a use for. They had been seeking a way to repurpose these drones back into public safety.
The CoE was created in State Senate Bill 14-164. During the legislative session, proponents of the CoE explained that there was currently no mechanism for determining the efficacy of aerial firefighting and the need existed for an innovative, science- and data-focused research entity. For this reason, the CoE was held up as an integral part of ensuring the successful implementation of Colorado’s own aerial firefighting fleet. In the years since its inception, the CoE has become the go-to research and development team for projects across the public safety service spectrum.
Mission of CoE- The Center of Excellence drives technological advancements to improve firefighting practices and influence innovation across the public safety community. The Center of Excellence will overcome Colorado’s natural and human-caused obstacles to consistently defy expectations and deliver unparalleled services to the public safety community and the people of Colorado.
“We look to identify new drone technology to help firefighters do their job faster safer and more efficiently. Our mission is to drive technological advancements to improve firefighting practices and influence innovation across the public safety community. We have older drones that have been shelved and we are donating them to help public safety agencies through the National Public Safety Drone Donation Program.
The National Public Safety Drone Donation Program is a great resource to help us find new homes for these aircraft. We are happy to help support NPS-DDP.org’s mission to put “Eyes In The Sky For Every Department In Need ™.” Said Officials from DoE
The National Public Safety Drone Donation Program NPS-DDP.org is the first registered nonprofit of its kind dedicated to helping Public Safety agencies receive life-saving drone technology that they could not otherwise afford. The NPS-DDP.org mission is to help put ” Eyes In The Sky For Every Department In Need ™” One of the conditions for these donations was that all of the drones must be donated to Public safety agency’s within the state of Colorado. On November 14, 2022 Mark Langley CEO and founder of NPS-DDP.org traveled to Center of Excellence for Advanced Technology Ariel firefighting located in Rifle Colorado to meet state officials and to test fly all of the drones. The test flights are required to make sure that all drones were suitable and safe for use within public safety. Mark Langley also Interviewed Dr. Robert G. Gann, Deputy Director and Mr. Jeff Singer, Unmanned Systems Project Manager. In the interview they discuss the important work being done by CoE and why they contacted NPS-DDP.org to make these donations.
During the dates of November’s 15th to the 17th of November NPS-DDP.org had hand delivered the 5 drones to 4 different departments. Total of five different departments were supposed to have received a drone. The Georgetown Co. Clear Creek County Sheriff’s Department declined one of the donations as they already had an aircraft exactly like the thermal drone to be donated. They requested that the drone be donated to another department that did not have thermal imaging technology. This speaks to the brotherhood that exist within public safety. As a result one of the departments in Alt Colorado received two drones one for the police department one for the fire department.
Aside from donations of drones within public safety the NPS-DDP.org foundation also supports STEM education programs with drone donations. Some of the donations they receive from the private and public safety sectors are not suitable for public safety use because of being older drone technology or parts not readily available. They partnered with an organization called Women and Drones to help support stem programs across the country they’ve already made seven STEM donations to date.
All of the interviews and donations can be viewed on the YouTube channel for the National Public Safety Drone Donation Program. They encourage all who visit to subscribe like and comment and share the channel. They are trying to monetize the content if possible so that they can raise more money to help support public safety.
Mark Langley
National Public Safety Drone Donation Program
+1 860-374-8510